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This is a personal web site, so let me introduce myself.
My name is Glenn, and I'm an Occupational Therapist.
Funny how Google can find some people immediately, and get it right.  Not with me-and while I'm not too upset about the anonymity, I figured that it wouldn't be a bad idea to sort of ensure that nobody got confused about who this site was about.

I'm not the Glenn who founded the Alkaline Trio, nor am I the historian, nor the forensic scientist.  I'm not a Realtor, dentist, or pastor, either.

I am proud to say that I am an Occupational Therapist who has positively impacted thousands of people by helping them get back to living their lives as independently as possible.
What's Occupational Therapy?  OT is a profession that promotes health, wellness and function through "occupation."  So what's occupation? 
It's not just a person's job or profession; in OT, occupation is what people do with their time-it could be fulfilling the role of a worker, a parent, a student, or a child learning to walk and interact with the world.  And a lot of things can get in the way of that, such as injuries, illnesses, developmental delays or impairments, and many other problems.