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...or enter desired coordinates below
The displayed times will use your local timezone:
Event | Begin | End (Sunrise) |
AM Astronomical Twilight | 22:34:33 | 23:48:12 |
AM Nautical Twilight | 23:00:47 | 23:48:12 |
AM Civil Twilight | 23:26:55 | 23:48:12 |
Sunrise | Transit | Sunset |
23:48:12 | 05:52:59 | 11:57:47 |
Event | Begin (Sunset) | End |
PM Civil Twilight | 11:57:47 | 12:19:04 |
PM Nautical Twilight | 11:57:47 | 12:45:12 |
PM Astronomical Twilight | 11:57:47 | 13:11:26 |